Subject Leaders: Miss R Harris and Mrs E Fynn
“The more that you read, The more things you will know.
The more that you learn, The more places you’ll go.” (Dr Seuss)
“I could spend the rest of my life reading, just satisfying my curiosity.” (Malcom X)
“You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.” (C.S. Lewis)
Our curriculum intent:
At Old Park we recognise reading as an essential life skill. Our main priority, however, is fostering a love and enjoyment of books so that our children read for pleasure. We encourage and promote this in different ways:
- All classrooms have a designated book area;
- Teachers read to their class every day. This time is used by teachers to share their love of reading with the children and provide them with new experiences, expand their vocabulary and broaden their knowledge of authors and genres;
- All children in Year 1 and 2 have access to online Read, Write Inc reading books which include fun quizzes to support their understanding.
- Our school library is being developed into a space where children can share and explore a wide range of books;
- Reading is a focus of our literacy lessons – quality texts are used that often relate to cross-curricular topics;
- Both fiction and non-fiction texts are studied, and links are made with real-life. Opportunities to discuss language and techniques used by authors are explored. Children share ideas and predictions and are continuously developing their reading skills.
In addition:
- EYFS and Key Stage One have a daily phonics lesson following the Read, Write Inc programme.
- Key Stage Two are enrolled in the Accelerated Reading Scheme. This system supports the children with their learning and next steps. It provides teachers with data that indicates a pupil’s strengths as well as areas for development. A recommended reading level is given, which ensures all children are reading books with appropriate challenge and allows them to make progress whilst also being free to select the books that they find engaging.
- All Key Stages have reading sheds in the playgrounds, which are stocked with books that they can take home and enjoy.
We promote regular reading outside school. Clear, visible reward charts and class competitions are used to support this. In addition, events are held with parents to support them and their children with reading at home.
As a school, we are continuously looking to improve our offer and the resources available to all our children. This includes not only books, but newspapers, magazines, online articles and eBooks which are used to increase pupil engagement. We set high expectation for our pupils and encourage them all to reach their potential. Intervention is given on a regular basis to those who need further support or find reading a challenge. These include precision teaching, Toe by Toe and Direct Instruction.