Subject Leaders: Mrs J Bebb, Mrs H Walker and Mr G Williams
“Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas.” (Albert Einstein)
“Great maths teaching makes learning visual; it provokes deep thought and discussion; it captivates.” (Gareth Metcalfe)
"Without mathematics, there is nothing you can do. Everything around you is mathematics. Everything around you is numbers.” (Shakuntala Devi)
At Old Park we believe that maths is a subject which is essential to everyday life. Maths develops lifelong learning skills, including the ability to persevere, work independently, make mistakes and take risks. Our curriculum offers creative contexts and links with other subjects to stimulate thinking, promote enjoyment and develop curiosity and enquiry. We believe that our pupils should not see maths as a list of rules and methods to be remembered but as patterns, links and connections. At Old Park we promote the ability to reason mathematically and be able to solve problems through making observations and proving ideas with evidence in order to form conclusions.
1.Develop a love of maths by making it purposeful and giving it meaning in everyday life. 2.Take part in lessons which are collaborative and active. 3.Understand maths as a result of using concrete, pictorial and abstract models. 4.Become problem solvers through developing lines of enquiry, making links and proving their ideas using mathematical models.