Subject Leaders: Miss H Wright and Mrs J Gray
“Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be misunderstood.” Marie Curie is renowned for her discovery of radium and polonium. She is best known for her huge contribution to finding treatments for cancer.
Albert Einstein is best known for the equation E = mc2. This states that energy and mass are the same thing, just in different forms. He explains that in science, “The important thing is to never stop questioning.”
Our children enter school with an inquisitive, natural interest in the world around them and at this point of entry, our children are encouraged and supported to develop their curiosities. Within science, all children are exposed to observation, investigation, exploration and interpretation. They will learn to pose questions and predict, set up and carry out experiments, testing their own and others ideas. They explore the history of science, by looking at scientists from all over the world and through different periods of time.
Children will learn to record their findings in a variety of ways and they will be able to conclude their findings and extend their understanding, drawing their own hypotheses from everyday situations and the local environment. Across the year groups, children will be exposed to biology, chemistry and physics, using the progression grids to develop the children’s previous years understanding.
As a school, we use a range of scientific influences and schemes of work. We use CLEAPPS, Cornerstones, British Science Week resources and STEM to support our lessons. Through these sessions, the teachers ensure that the children are engaged, have fun and develop their understanding of the objectives for biology, physics and chemistry.