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Subject Leader: Miss N Kay

"Man is still the most extraordinary computer of all.” (John. F. Kennedy)

"Tech gives the quietest student a voice.” (Jerry Blumengarten)

“Education is the most powerful weapon that we can use to change the world.” (Nelson Mandela)

Our curriculum intent:

In an increasingly technological world we, at Old Park, understand the importance of teaching and using computers at a young age. Computing and ICT are crucial in our ever-changing world, it is our aim to prepare our children for a world where technology will play a more significant role using a positive environment to enable them to integrate computers into their education and their everyday life.

We want to give children the tools and confidence to use ICT safely and responsibly by responding to new developments in technology and educating them on the ways in which they can remain safe online.

At Old Park we aim to effectively improve digital skills which will support their progress within their chosen career paths. We aim to do this by helping children to understand the three core areas of Computing (Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy) enabling them to see how computing is integrated through all subjects, and through the wider world, using cross-curricular opportunities.