Subject Leader: Mrs C Urey-Taylor
“A good history education is so important to children’s education. Studying history helps children to understand their place in the world, and in the long story of human development. And it challenges them to make sense of the similarities and differences in human experiences across time and place.” (Amanda Spielman)
“We know that history matters, we know that it is thrilling, absorbing, fascinating, delightful and infuriating, that it is life."(Stephen Fry)
“The more you know about the past, the better prepared you are for the future.” (Theodore Roosevelt)
At Old Park Primary School, our teaching of history provides pupils with a secure knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. The structure of the curriculum allows pupils to make links between current and previous learning, promoting a good chronological awareness of the past from the Stone Age to pupil living memory. We endeavour to give pupils a historically grounded understanding of concepts such as ‘empire’, invasion’, ‘trade’ and ‘monarchy’, which helps pupils to understand that History is not just isolated facts. Throughout their time at Old Park Primary School and beyond, we aim to inspire pupils’ curiosity to know more about the past using enquiry questions to guide the learning and encourage pupils to work like historians, exploring past events with a critical and open mind. We hope to make learning memorable by immersing pupils through cross-curriculum learning opportunities, historical visits and school visitors. The importance and significance of our local history is recognised, and we want our pupils to be proud of and have a sense of belonging of their local area through study.