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Our School

Belonging, Respect and Responsibility

Old Park Primary School and Nursery is a large school in the centre of Telford catering for children aged 2 to 11. There are 540 places in school and 120 places in nursery. We have a fabulous building and site which include 22 classrooms, separate sports and dining halls, an inclusion base, computer suite, community room, extensive playground areas, two fields, a meadow, garden and forest area. There is also a special needs HUB linked to Haughton Special School.

At Old Park we want to make a difference to the lives of our young people and help them to develop the skills to be healthy, independent adults who respect, value and contribute to the wider community.

We work hard to create a safe, caring and happy learning environment so that children are confident to take risks and comfortable in being challenged. We want learning to be enjoyable and fun so that our young people develop confidence, high self-esteem and a thirst for knowledge so that they grow into life-long learners.

To help achieve this we offer a rich creative curriculum which nurtures independence, thinking skills, responsibility and high aspirations. We view communication and social skills as vital to future success so invest in high quality support for speech and language.

Music is the heartbeat of Old Park and our In Harmony programme ensures that all children have access to high-quality music making both as part of the curriculum and through extra-curricular clubs. Opportunities to join in with our music continues even when children move to secondary school through our Nucleo orchestra.

Extra-curricular sports clubs are available, as well as opportunities for children to take part in a wide range of sporting competitions and events during the day and after school.

Wrap around care and holiday clubs are available all year round and we offer some free places through the Happy, Healthy, Active Holidays scheme.

We are proactive in encouraging healthy lifestyles through regular outdoor learning, support for mental health and wellbeing, daily exercise, healthy eating and specific courses about drugs, smoking and relationships.

We are an inclusive school and provide learning opportunities for all children, whatever their needs. We embrace and value cultural diversity and reject intolerance in any form. We have high expectations for everyone involved in our school - together we Dream, Believe, Achieve