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Old Park Primary was established in September 2007 following the amalgamation of Langley St Leonard’s Primary and Malinslee Primary Schools.

If you are considering this school the prospectus should, I hope, give you an insight into the kind of school we have established here in Malinslee.

However, there is no substitute for the ‘real thing’ and I strongly recommend that you visit the school to see it in operation. In this way you will be able to assess the ethos of the school, the behaviour of pupils, the quality of the learning environment and the standard of teaching as well as the calm, purposeful atmosphere that permeates our school. The partnership between parents and teachers is very important. It is a positive force that works for the benefit of your child. I want you to feel confident that the school provides an educational environment where your child will grow, develop, and flourish in all aspects of school life: academically, intellectually, creatively, socially and morally. We can only achieve these if there is a climate of trust and support between all involved with your child’s education. It is important that you know you can approach the staff and myself at any time to discuss your child. The school has an open door to all parents. I hope that you will extend your knowledge of our school through contact with myself, the staff, and the Governors of the school. Where you are able, I hope that you will become actively involved in the life of the school through events, as a parent helper or as a Governor. It is only through regular contact and knowledge about the school that you will have confidence in the service which we provide. This prospectus is the first step in that process.

I look forward to meeting you and your child in the near future.

James Foster
Head teacher