Headteacher Governor
I am very proud to be the Headteacher of Old Park Primary School. We have developed a hard-working and dedicated team of children, staff, parents/carers and Governors. Our children always try their best and the staff go the extra mile for any child in our care. It is a fantastic place to work.
Chair of Governors
Parent Governor
Area of Responsibility - Quality of Education
Since being elected as Parent Governor in 2017 I have thoroughly enjoyed being involved in School Life.
Seeing the students strive academically and their enthusiasm and pride in their achievements for example in Sport, Art and Music is delightful, one of the highlights being the learning walks we complete with our Local Authority Education Advisor, who too sees the enthusiasm of not only our students, but staff too.
Attending various training courses I have developed my skills and knowledge to enable me to deliver the best support I can in my governing role whilst also enhancing my understanding of the running of the school as a whole.
I have brought my professional knowledge and experience to develop an on-going relationship with Age UK and accessing new experiences for students with the older generation with a particular focus on students becoming 'Dementia Friends'
The students are a credit to the school and the hard work of the staff and senior leadership team is reflected in them. Knowing the challenges faced by tight budgets and strict educational guidelines I feel this is even more prevalent as it proves to me that the school truly are focusing on bringing out the best in individuals and offering them the best possible start to their education.
The success of the school is vital for the area, the continual improvement of the school is vital for current and future students. I am proud to say I am part of Old Park Primary School, reaching for success.
Term ends July 2025.
Vice Chair of Governors
Area of Responsibility - Safeguarding and Pupil Voice
Sally was appointed vice chair of governors in September 2024.
Terms ends October 2028.
Co-opted Governor
Area of Responsibility - Finance
I have been a Governor of Old Park Primary since it opened and previously served as a parent governor at both St Leonards and Langley St Leonards Primary Schools. I was honoured to be elected as Chair of Governors in 2007 and fortunate to have been in the role ever since.
I have spent most of my working years in the Transport sector. I was a senior manager in the Driver & Vehicle Services Agency (DfT) heading up the National Investigations and Enforcement Delivery teams and since my partial retirement I manage the National MOT Administration team.
Outside of work I like most sports and play as much golf as I can fit in. I love travel, my favourite destination is Italy.
I am really passionate about the inclusive ethos of Old Park Primary. My aim is to facilitate full and appropriate use of all of the resources at the schools disposal, to support the Headteacher and her incredibly talented, dedicated staff that enable your children to be the best people they can possibly be.
Term ends March 2027.
Associate Governor
Area of Responsibility - EYFS
Gloria has been an associate governor since September 2024
Term ends September 2027.
LA co-opted governor
Area of Responsibility - SEND
Lindsay was appointed LA co-opted governor in September 2023.
Term ends September 2027.
Parent Governor
Area of Responsibility - Disadvantaged Pupils
Julie was appointed Parent governor September 2024.
Term ends October 2028
Staff Governor
Area of Responsibility - Class Teacher and SENCO
I am a Year 3/4 teacher and have been a Staff Governor since 2019.
I live in Oswestry with my Husband Tim, daughter Emma and dog Ted I have worked at Old Park Primary School since 2011.
I became a Staff Governor because I am proud of our school and want to be part of the decision making team that see it grow and flourish.
Term ends March 2027.
Associate Governor
Area of Responsibility - Deputy Headteacher
I have been lucky to work as a senior leader at Old Park Primary School since it opened in 2007. In my role as SENCo I enjoy working with staff, parents/carers and other professionals to support the young people in our school to meet their full potential. It is hugely satisfying to see how young people flourish at Old Park in our care. Coming to work every day is a privilege - our school is a truly special place. I would not want to work anywhere else.
Term ends February 2027.
Associate Governor Area of Responsibility - School Business Manager |
I was appointed associate governor in September 2024. I have worked as School Business Manager since January 2024, and I am enjoying my role within the school. Term Ends September 2027 |